Does TMWhatsApp Work On IPhones?


Most of our users ask this question; does TMWhatsApp work on iPhones? It is a good question but just before I can give and explain the answer, I want to believe you are using an Android device in the first place. And you are either thinking of switching to using an iOS phone or maybe your good friend wants to have TMWhatsApp. Whichever the case, if you already have TMWhatsApp, ensure you read the whole post, I put two buttons at the end of the article for you to quickly tap and install the latest TMWhatsApp.

I think the right way to ask the question would be, is there a TMWhatsApp version that supports iPhones? It is very important to note that Android and iOS are two very distinct operating systems. Each of them works independently and there is no app of either operating system that can be installed on the other.


For example, small mobile phones with plastic/ rubber buttons commonly run on Java. These phones are commonly referred to as featured phones. Most people buy phones to help either power back up when their Android loose charge or for lighting. With this kind of phone, you can not install the sock WhatsApp.

The best you can do is to play Bantumi or snake xenzia that come pre-installed from the manufacturer. On the featured phones, you never get a chance to install any other app other than what you get from the manufacturer.  I mean there isn’t an Android version of the app that can be installed on featured phones.

Now, with such basic knowledge maybe I should now answer the question at hand.

So does TMWhatsApp work on iPhones?

Unfortunately NO. TMWhatsApp is a modified app of the stock WhatsApp Android version and not the iOS version. For that reason just as explained before, TMWhatsApp can only be used on Android devices but not on iOS even if you rooted your device.

The only way to go around this issue is to ask your friend having an iPhone to buy an Android device and then after installing TMWhatsApp on the Android device. S/he should set up their TMWhatsApp to have an iPhone interface. That will make you feel as though you are interacting with an iPhone and not an Android.

Setting an iPhone interface on TMWhatsApp

To set up an iPhone interface on TMWhatsApp proceed as follows:

  • Open your TMWhatsApp and tap on the three angulars on the top right of the app.
  • From the drop-down list of options tap on TM MOds
  • On the menu that appears tap on the home screen
  • Now tap on the header from the new screen that appears.
  • From the header screen tap on Home UI Style.
  • A list of options will pop up. Tap on IOS-STYLE. 

Now go back to the main screen and start enjoying the iPhone look on your TMWhatsApp. If interested in making adjustments to font styles also, then take a look at this other post on changing font styles on TMWhatsApp. Use the buttons below to download and install the latest TMWhatsApp.


TMWhatsApp is the best-modified WhatsApp for Android users. for those who asked the question “Does TMWhatsApp work on iPhones?” there you go now. It is quite unfortunate your other phone if not your friend’s phone can not use our app. But there is always a way out. Nothing is impossible on Earth.

Do you have any other inquiries? please post them in the comment section we will be working on them.

We hope you found helpful in this post, please if you did, tap on the 5th star below to rate the post and the app as excellent.

Does TMWhatsApp work on iPhones Does TMWhatsApp work on iPhones Does TMWhatsApp work on iPhones

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