Hide Some Contacts From Not Viewing My Status


For one or two reasons, you may want to restrict your statuses to a specific audience. Or you just do not want some people in your contact list to view your status. Well, deleting the contact is an option but not the best.

Below are the exact steps to follow to hide some contacts from not viewing your statuses. Also, it is nice to mention that we are working out to bring you scholarships ranging from UNICAF scholarships to fully funded scholarships in Canada and other countries abroad.

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Hide some contacts from not viewing my status

To hide some contacts from not viewing your status proceed as follows:

  • Open TMWhatsApp and tap on the 3- angulars on the top right of the screen.
  • Tap on settings from the drop-down menu.
  • Tap on privacy.
  • Tap on status.
  • Tap on only share with…
  • Now select the contacts you want to display the status to then tap the confirm button

Go back to the home screen, now you can post your status, only the selected contacts will see what you have shared. Below is an image giving a summary of what you ought to do.

Hide some contacts from not viewing my status, Hide some contacts from not viewing my status, Hide some contacts from not viewing my status, Hide some contacts from not viewing my status, Hide some contacts from not viewing my status

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